Tuesday, February 6, 2007

2nd Day at Chaing Mai

Today was mostly temple hopping and shopping. The weather has been great here. No higher than 82F and sunny with some pollution from all the motorbikes and tuk-tuks. I still don't know in Thailand makes Caucasians do dreadlocks. It can't be comfortable. I found some nice replacement clothes in the mall and have now seen about 1/3 of the temples in the city. Here are some pictures from this day.

Chiang Mai, ThailandChiang Mai, Thailand Hosted on Zooomr

Chiang Mai, ThailandChiang Mai, Thailand Hosted on Zooomr

Chiang Mai, ThailandChiang Mai, Thailand Hosted on Zooomr

Thai Cat Food AdThai Cat Food Ad Hosted on Zooomr

JackfruitJackfruit Hosted on Zooomr

1 comment:

dad said...

you go to Hanoi, were going to call you Don Ho