Friday, February 9, 2007

Last Day in Chiang Mai

My last day in Chiang Mai was uneventful and relaxing. I took in some last few temples and then found a comfortable outdoor coffee shop terrace and read book for the afternoon. The next morning I woke up early for my flight out of Chiang Mai to Shanghai via Bangkok. It took awhile to find a tuk-tuk but one finally showed up. I asked how much to the airport and he said 30 baht which was weird because the day before I took at tuk-tuk to the mall near the airport for 120 baht. 30 baht is slight less than a dollar and 120 baht is about 4 dollars. It is really difficult sometimes to figure out here when you are getting ripped off. And when you do get ripped off it is for for so little money in our terms you don't know what to think. One of the temples I went to this day had something very odd. I removed my shoes and entered and thought I saw an old monk in the standard saffron robes meditating. Upon closer inspection I saw it was his dead preserved body encased in glass! Here are today's pics!

Wat Chedi LuangWat Chedi Luang Hosted on Zooomr

Wat Chedi LuangWat Chedi Luang Hosted on Zooomr

Wat Chedi LuangWat Chedi Luang Hosted on Zooomr

Wat Chedi LuangWat Chedi Luang Hosted on Zooomr

Wat Chedi LuangWat Chedi Luang Hosted on Zooomr

Wat Chedi LuangWat Chedi Luang Hosted on Zooomr

Wat Chedi LuangWat Chedi Luang Hosted on Zooomr

Wat Chedi LuangWat Chedi Luang Hosted on Zooomr

Bird EmancipationBird Emancipation Hosted on Zooomr

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